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4,7 12.07.2019 | Trixi B. Romantic Rhine by Bike + Boat

Rhine 2019

Boat and food
I found the rules and hotel manager very rigid. Things were set a certain way and there was no room for change.Example...we always had to sit at the same table. I understand the order aspect but that could be remedied by having people sign up in the morning at the table they would like to sit.

I would have liked to have choices of the local food. We really didn?t have any German food.Travel. I would have liked more history in the briefing. Also, what are the good stops for stopping for drinks, food and shopping.

At some of the detours, some of my people got confused and didn?t know where to go. Guide did cycle but didn?t serve as a sweeper.
  • Overall satisfaction 5
    Booking handling 5
    Travel documents 5
    Information at the beginning of the tour 4
    Accomodation 5
    Board 5
    Route description 4
    On-site assistance 4
    Route-character 5
    Bicycle + equipment 5
    Price-performance ratio 5
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