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5,7 16.06.2016 | David S. Natural Paradise Danube Delta by Bike & Boat

Bikes, Birds and Boats in the delightful Danube Delta

Having cycled Passau to Vienna, and Vienna to Budapest, we wanted to see a bit more of the Danube. The bike and boat tour was just right for us. We were the only English speakers - but everyone helped us with conversations. The guides were very good, the food on the floating hotel was splendid. So many birds to see. Such interesting things to see on the last days around Tulcea.
  • Overall satisfaction 6
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Information at the beginning of the tour 6
    Accomodation 6
    Board 6
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 5
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 5
    Bicycle + equipment 5
    Price-performance ratio 5
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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