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5,1 22.06.2019 | Simone M. Treasures of Ireland

Amazing location, fantastic location, much harder than anticipated.

The location, people and accommodation were all spectacular, however we feel that with regular bikes (not e-bike) this should be rated a 2-3. We have done 1-2 before and feel this was a much bigger step than simply a 2. The bikes would have completely sufficed a 1-2 route, but given the elevation and grade of the somewhat never-ending hills, the bikes were very heavy and not gearing quickly enough. The local contact, luggage transport, B&B’s, location, GPS and the options for optional sightseeing were wonderful, however the route should be upgraded to a level 2-3 and if not, ebikes should be recommended or bikes upgraded. The only other biking tourists we saw in the entirety of the trip used ebikes. Thanks!
  • Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 5
    Information at the beginning of the tour 5
    Accomodation 6
    Board 6
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 5
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 2
    Bicycle + equipment 3
    Price-performance ratio 6
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